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CAD interoperability and intellectual property protection are vital facets of modern product data management. Excelling in these areas can dramatically enhance both the efficiency and the secure flow of information within companies. A tool that surpasses in these two dimensions is DEXcenter.

DEXcenter is a CAD data exchange system, providing indispensable automation capabilities for engaging with partners and suppliers who use varied CAD systems. It also supports Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) scenarios. With secure file transfer and CAD process automation, DEXcenter facilitates collaboration for multi-CAD and MBE contexts. Additionally, DEXcenter can integrate with PLM applications or other enterprise software.

Intellectual Property Protection with DEXcenter

Product data security is a critical concern for companies. DEXcenter offers an easy-to-use solution that ensures the safe exchange of files and traditional CAD automation on a neutral, SOA-compliant platform. When exchanged via DEXcenter, proprietary data is encrypted to prevent unwanted interception. Records of each exchange are maintained to validate what was sent, when it was sent, and when it was received. Automated compliance steps for ITAR and EAR export regulations are included.

DEXcenter also automates mechanisms to ensure that Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) or Proprietary Information Agreements (PIA) are in place and valid before allowing data exchange. It maintains a PIA information database, covering the company name, agreement number, effective dates, and the PIA text. This text is inserted into the data files to ensure partners are properly informed of their legal obligations. Data exchanges can’t occur if a necessary PIA agreement doesn't exist or has expired. A report generation feature eases audit and verification capabilities.

DEXcenter Security

Installed within your network, DEXcenter uses your existing security mechanisms. Its JEE architecture separates data and application components, minimizing risks of unauthorized access. The modular architecture is firewall-compatible for enhanced security. Files remain within your network until retrieved by the recipient or delivered to a partner SFTP site. Access requires username and password authentication through LDAP, SSO, or DEXcenter’s internal authentication method.

DEXcenter: The Ideal Solution for CAD Interoperability and Intellectual Property Protection

In summary, DEXcenter proves to be an invaluable tool for any enterprise looking to optimize its CAD processes while safeguarding its valuable data. By combining CAD interoperability, process automation, and stringent security management, DEXcenter allows companies to achieve significant time and resource savings, all while mitigating risks associated with data sharing.

Whether translating native CAD formats to neutral and other native formats, evaluating CAD models for production use, adding intellectual property and export markings to neutral and native CAD models, or documenting ECO changes by programmatically comparing different revisions, DEXcenter offers a comprehensive range of features to meet the most demanding requirements.

With its advanced functionalities packaged in a user-friendly interface, accessible to both occasional users and experts alike, DEXcenter stands as an indispensable solution for companies concerned with ensuring CAD interoperability and intellectual property protection.

Addressing the challenges of product data security, CAD process automation, and strict compliance with intellectual property regulations are tasks that modern businesses face. With DEXcenter, these challenges can be effectively and securely met, thereby assuring the sustainability and success of your enterprise in today’s digital economy.

With DEXcenter, protecting your product data is not a concern but a competitive advantage.
